

Professional care for your Skin and Beauty

One of the essential qualities of a professional doctor is his humanity. At our clinic, we take a great care of your Skin and Hairs.


Professional care for your Skin and Beauty

One of the essential qualities of a professional doctor is his humanity. At our clinic, we take a great care of your Skin and Hairs.

About Me

Dr. Muhammad Iqbal has done much research work on the subject of correct diagnosis and treatment of skin diseases. He has been treating patients of skin diseases since 1985. He has a reliable skill in treating successfully the cases of skin ailments.

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This clinic is really wonderful and amazing, I am extremely happy with both the quality of service and the great specialists who work there. Your help is greatly appreciated!

Melissa Young

Melissa Young

23rd Street

We are grateful to the pediatricians of this clinic very much! Excellent service and timing. We will be coming soon for a scheduled checkup and hopefully will find the same doctor.

The Richards

The Richards

12 Main Road

Great doctor if you need your family member to get effective immediate assistance, examination, emergency treatment or a simple consultation. Thank you.

John Smith

John Smith

4th Avenue
Melissa Young, 23rd StreetThe Richards, 12 Main RoadJohn Smith, 4th Avenue

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Tinea corporis (Ringworm)

Tinea corporis: Diagnostic measures: Your own observations of symptoms.Medical history and physical examination by a doctor.Microscopic exam of skin scrappings in potassium hydroxide solution. Laboratory culture of skin scrappings.Examination within ultraviolet light (Wood’s light)for ringworm on the scalp. Appropriate Health care: Self care after diagnosis. Treatment usually in Allopathic with topical medications other specific care depends on location of infection.…


Ringworm: Fungus (Tinea)Infection of the skin.This is transmitted by person to person contact or by contact with infected surfaces,such as towels.shoes or shower stalls. Ringworm can involve the scalp(Tinea capitas)Tinea corporis,groin skin Tinea Cruris,Nails (Tinea unguium,feet (Tinea pedis),Skin with beard (Tinea Barbae).  It is more common in males than females. Signs and Symptoms:Lesions that itch sometimes and have followings characteristics:…


Itching and burning in hairy area,pustules in the hair follicles,In sycosis,inflammation of surrounding skin area. General considerations: Folliculitis is caused by staphylococcal infection of hair follicles.When the lesion is deep -seated,chronic and recalcitrant,it is called  sycosis,Sycosis is usually propagated by the autoinoculation and trauma of shaving.The upper lip is particularly susceptible to involvement in men who suffer with chronic nasal…

How stretch marks develop?

How stretch marks develop? Before stretch marks appear, the affected skin will become thin, flattened and pink, and may feel itchy. The stretch marks themselves appear as red or purple streaks or lines, but can be pink, reddish-brown or dark brown, depending on your skin colour. They can occur in patches of parallel lines on your body and often appear…

Tinea versicolor

Tinea versicolor Usually symptomless, but occasionally itchy,superficial fungal infection of skin.Caused by Malassezia furfur. Multiple discrete or confluent,fawn coloured or cafe au lait,furfuraceous scaly patches on trunk,rarely,limbs,neck and face.On darker skin patches appear white in colour.Pitryasis versicolor occurs in persons who sweat profusely or those on cytotoxic or steroids therapy.Readily responds to treatment but relapses common. Diffential Diagnosis: Vitiligo,Pitryasis alba,leprosy,Pitryasis…

Household Eczema

Detergents are very common cause of dermatitis,They contain soap and synthetic detergents.When their cleaning action is considered it is not surprising to find that they can directly penetrate the horney layer, and defat the skin.The rash is usually most persistant,and may continue for a long time in spite of treatment.very few patients can avoid doing house hold washing,the slightest amount…

Acne (Cystic Nodular)

A chronic inflammatory skin condition characterised by skin eruptions on the face chest and back. Adolescents Boys girls are affected.May occur throughout life. Signs &Symptons Blackheads (black spots the size of a pinhead) Whiteheads (White spots similar to blackheads. Pustules small filled lesions. Cystic (larger and film swellings)and Abcesses (swollen and inflammed areas with pus) with severe acne. Redness and…

Tinea manuum (Hand Fungus)

fungus (tinea manuum)? This medical condition is a contagious skin rash. It can develop between your fingers or on the palms of your hands, usually developing on just one hand. Because the rash is similar to eczema or psoriasis some people confuse hand fungus with both of these. The fungi that can cause hand fungus are genus dermatophytes  Hand Fungus Symptoms…

Alopecia Areata In the Beard

– An autoimmune disease develops when the immune system mistakes healthy cells for foreign substances. Normally, the immune system defends your body against foreign invaders, such as viruses and bacteria. If you have alopecia areata, however, your immune system mistakenly attacks your hair follicles.Sudden hair loss in circular patches on the scalp face and body.Hair loss is not accompanied by other visible evidence…

Congo fever

کانگو بخار Crimean–Congo hemorrhagic fever (CCHF) is a widespread tick-borne viral disease that is endemic in Africa, the Balkans, the Middle East and Asia. The virus is a member of the Bunyaviridae family of RNA viruses. It is a zoonotic disease carried by several domestic and wild animals.  جان لیوا بخار ہے جو مویشیوں کی جلد میں موجود ٹکس (چیچڑ ) کی وجہ سے…


They are acute infective -human tumours certainly due to viruses and are infective ). Clinical features: Verruca Filiform:When infections starts on thin skin like eyelids.It is filament like. Verruca Digittate: When it involves the scalp,lesion thicker and is finger like.Verruca Vulgaris:Thick warty growth.Minute cauliflower like lesions on the skin.They are thick tough non symptomatic.They affect any part of the body.…


Fibroadenoma. A fibroadenoma is a very common benign (not cancer) breast condition. The most common symptom is a lump in the breast which usually moves when you touch it. Fibroadenomas often develop during puberty so are mostly found in young women, but they can occur in women of any age

Lichen planus Part 2)

Lichen planus varieties 1.Annular lichen planus-Ringed lesion. 2.Hypertrophic lichen planus – Thick plaques at the above sites. 3. Linear from. Along the nerves. 4. Lichen planopilaris: Follicular papules with smooth. 5: Lichen Obtusus Domes papules with smooth surface of the back commonly. 6.Acute generalised liched planus. Acute onset with involvement of the entire body in 24 hours. 7: Vesico –…

Lichen planus (Part1)

It’s a common skin disease present all over the world affecting middle aged persons,rare in children and old.Its thought to be viral infection,because it infiltrates.Heavy metal e.g. Gold.As mepacrine,streptomycin,I.N.H. and Chlorthiazide drugs can produce lichen like lesions.Colour develpers can produce lichen planus like lesion on the limbs.Nervous tension do play a part in it’s aetiology. Course of this disease is…


Age: Chilhood, Agent:Staph Locci ,Site:Beneath Stratum cornneum, Appearance: Unhygenic conditions,Malnourished,Features: Erythyma,Burning sensation,vesiculation.exudate.Acute contagious & superficial infections of skin caused by staphylococcus aureus or Beta hemp lyric streptococcus or sometimes both.It is most common in children and presents with blisters like lesions.In Allopathic system treatment with external antibiotics for 7 to 10 days and in Extensive disease is treated with oral…

House wife’s hand eczema

OHousewife’s hand eczema: People who are constantly using dish washing liquids, detergents, household cleaners, and shampoos often damage the skin on their hands. The skin becomes dry, rough and reddened, particularly over the knuckles. It may thicken, crack, flake and itch. A similar type of eczema occurs among people whose hands are exposed to irritant chemicals on their jobs. Irritant…

Acne (Clinical features)
Acne (Clinical features)

GI 1.No symptoms. 2.Embarrassment 3.Gradual on set. 4.The skin is usually greasy. 5.Ist degrees of Acne is black head,due to change of sulphur content of sebaceous secretion to sulphide. 6.At puberty,the pilosebaceous duct gets occluded by keratin plug,because of imbance of male and female hormones in the body. 7.When blockage is below the mouth of sebaceous duct,secretions enter the epidermis,which…


An acquired of primary pigmentary disturbances of unknown origin.It is however often genetically determined.It is also produced due to trauma and pressure. Clinical Features: It presents with irregular shaped and sized white patches surrounded by normal or hyperpigmented skin,occuring on any part of the body.The lesion may remain static or progress slowly,may fuse to form  large patches,and may involve whole…


It means hyperpigmentation of skin colour (lost of colour)Loss may localised,Generalised or patchy. Characteristics:Age-All ages,Sex Both sexes,Site:Whole body but mostly eyelids Nails lips gentitalia,face etc. It is fairly common.present at all ages,both sexes.It may vary in its extent but eyelids,lips,gentitalia,nail folds are mostly affected.But the patient can have lesions any where.It maybe pin head or board.Border is hyper pigmented,skin normal…

Shoes Dermatitis (Contact Eczema)
Shoes Dermatitis (Contact Eczema)

Foot wear Dermatitis (Shoes Eczema):It will show a vesicular lesion on the area of contact to the shoes.It does not occur on thick sole of foot.The shoe dermatitis is usually due to rubber oxidant artificial leather,chromium and rubber sponge.Patch test is positive. www.homeodriqbal.pk

Pyogenic granuloma (granuloma telangiectaticum)
Pyogenic granuloma (granuloma telangiectaticum)

A rapidly developing benign proliferation of granulation tissue some times at the site of minor trauma.It is red and friable and bleeds easily. The base is often pedunculated and surrounded by a collar of thickened epithelium.In the palmar lesion the keratin collar has been lifted and refkected over the granuloma to make it visible.


Candida infections can cause or aggravate intertrigo,an inflammatory rash arising in body folds.Signs are typical erythyma and little moist exudation starting deep in folds,This may involve body areas such as: Web spaces of the hands,It is more common in warm climates and in those with frequently wet hands.Between toes (Athlet’s foot),which may also be due to Tinea pedis,dermatitis,psoriasis or soft…

Tinea pedis (Athlet’s Foot)
Tinea pedis (Athlet’s Foot)

It is extremely common fungal infection,caused by Epidermophyton or Trichophyton.Certain individuals appears to be more susceptible than others.It is possible that the causative agents are present on the foot of most adults at all times usually 4th cleft is involved first.The disease jumps to 3rd cleft.Second cleft rarely involved but 1st commonly not involved. Clinical features depending upon the type…

Dr Iqbal Photos Collection: Skin problems in the Diabetes
Dr Iqbal Photos Collection: Skin problems in the Diabetes

Dr Iqbal Photos Collection: Skin problems in the Diabetes: Skin Manifestations of Diabetes:It’s may present itself primarily in the form of skin manifestation or there may be no skin manifestatio…


Acne: A skin condition common in adolesence in which black heads (comedones are associted with a papular and pustular eruptions of the pilo sebaceous follicles.usual sites are the face neck and upper parts of chest and back. In addition to the usual advice on diet skin care and general hygiene these remedies should be considered.1.Belladona:for acne in full blooded red…

Skin problems in the Diabetes
Skin problems in the Diabetes

Skin Manifestations of Diabetes:It’s may present itself primarily in the form of skin manifestation or there may be no skin manifestation. 1:There are recurrent boils. 2:Uncontrolled diabetes will lead to itching day and night.3:Monilial and fungal infections in ano genital region. 4:Xanthoma diabetic corum or xanthelasma. 5: riqbalGangrene 6:Arteriosclerosis 7:Localised sensetivity to injections.Necrobiosis.8: Itching. Itchy skin can have many causes.…

Fungal Infections
Fungal Infections

Fungal Infections : These are plants without chlorophyll,There are numerous fungi in nature.Only few effect man,Ring worm is very common.There may be saprophytes,Pityro sporum ovale.Parasites lives keratinised tissue.They don’t grow when they come in contact with body fluids.Some varieties affect in childhood while in adults,long chain fatty acids gives protection,so it is common in children.Immunity develops tepidly. Classification:Fungal infections maybe…

Impetigo contagiosa
Impetigo contagiosa

Impetigo:Due to staphylococcus,H.Influenza &Streptococcal infection usually at face in the form of golden crust,when crusts removed it has slight bleeding points with erythematous base,it is contagious and it occurs in many varieties and may involve any part of the body.Impetigo contagiosa : it’s a highly contagious form of impetigo.It is mainly seen in children living in unhygenic conditions and malnourished.It…

Dos and Don’ts in Dermatology
Dos and Don’ts in Dermatology

Don’t use following agents topically because of fear of developing sensetivity e.g. Pencillin,Sulphonomides,Neomycin.Antihistamines,Nitrofurazone and local anaesthetics. 2. Don’t use steroids in bacterial viral and fungal infections in general and flurinated steroids in rosacea in particular. 3. Don’t use greasy ointment s or thick preperations in weeping eczema. 4. Don’t use bright coloured preperations on exposed parts e.g. Castellani’s paint on…

Pitryasis Alba
Pitryasis Alba

Definition : Mild,chronic eczematous eruption of unknown aetiology commonly seen in children. Clinical features : Symptomless,multiple,rounded or oval,red or skin coloured plaques showing fine branny scaling. Commonly seen circumorally,on cheeks,chin or forehead. Occasionaly on neck,arms and shoulders.Often recurrent and persistent but ultimately disappear after some years.   Differential Diagnosis: Leucoderma,Pitryasis versicolor,leprosy and nummular eczema. Homeopathic medicines Calc carb ,Silicea, are…

Hyperhydrosis (Excessive Sweating )
Hyperhydrosis (Excessive Sweating )

Defination: Excessive sweating;May be localised or generalised.                           Aetiology:                                                 1.  Anxiety.                          …

Hair care in Men
Hair care in Men

The key to great looking hair is proper scalp care. Most men not only ignore their hair but do not take required measures for the upkeep of a healthy scalp. It does not take much time and effort to care for your scalp. Cleaning Most men shampoo everyday and if you’re one of them make sure that you use a…

Alopecia Areata
Alopecia Areata

Alopecia Areata: Sudden loss of hair in patches usually rounded without inflammation or itching. Treatment: Prognosis is poor if extensive and begins in childhood.Spontaneous recovery in localised area with in weeks or months. The loss of hair may present with sharply demarcated bald patches on the scalp beard eyelashes or on any other hairy area.The baldness may involve the whole…


Acute,contagious &superficial infection of skin caused by staphylococcus aureus or beta haemolytic streptococcus or sometimes both.It is most common in children and parents with blisters like lesions.This highly contagious skin disease characterised by its purulent oozing which forms thick scabs is usually treated by local antibiotics in allopathic system and should be covered to reduce contagion.Homeopathic remedies are particularly helpful…


Symptoms  Symptoms can vary and can change over time. Common symptoms include:     severe fatigue     painful or swollen joints     headaches     rash on cheeks and nose called “butterfly” rash     hair loss     anemia     blood-clotting problems     Raynaud’s syndrome (fingers turning white/blue and tingle when cold) Other symptoms can depend on the part of the body the…

Alopecia areata
Alopecia areata

#Alopecia areata is sudden loss of hair in patches usually rounded without information or itching. In adults it’s common,often recurrent condition of obscure aetiology.Some 20% of cases may have atopic autoimmune or pre hypertensive background.Positive family history in 6-20% of cases.Role of psychological factors still under. Solitary or multiple,well defined asymptomatic smooth shiny patches of Alopecia on scalp and beard…


#Urticaria: Allergic or non allergic (Allergic type usually due to type I Ag -ab reaction,mediated by IgE and often associated with atopy) Causes of Urticaria include. Ingestant : e.g. Eggs,fish,nuts,grapes and bananas. 2: Drugs : e.g. Penicillin,Aspirin,Sulpha groups 3: Injections : e.g. ATS,insect bites and penicillin. Inhalants: e.g: Pollens,House dust and moulds. 5: Contestants: e.g. Nettle,caterpillars,dog saliva and SO2. Infections:…

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